Bouquet Of Dried Thlaspi Arvense
The Artificial Bouquet of Dried Thlaspi Arvense is a charming and rustic floral arrangement
This artificial bouquet brings the beauty of dried wildflowers into your space without the need for maintenance. It's a versatile and long-lasting decorative item suitable for various environments, from homes to event spaces.
Dimensions: 16L x 16W x 120H
Bouquet Of Dried Thlaspi Arvense
The Artificial Bouquet of Dried Thlaspi Arvense is a charming and rustic floral arrangement
This artificial bouquet brings the beauty of dried wildflowers into your space without the need for maintenance. It's a versatile and long-lasting decorative item suitable for various environments, from homes to event spaces.
Dimensions: 16L x 16W x 120H